About Us

Our Mission: To become the go-to source for swimming pool information for all residential pool owners and to provide accurate information on any pool issue so you can understand it, know how to do it, or ACTUALLY do it within 5-minutes!

For the most part, once you have a pool installed, maintaining it is fairly easy. Yes, there are times you’ll come across issues that will take more effort to fix like a liner repair, a pool pump replacement, or maybe even cleaning a very green pool! But for the most part, pool maintenance is and should be easy for the every day pool owner.

5MinutePool.com is here to:5MinutePool Logo

  • Answer your pool questions in an easy to understand and quick manner so every pool owner from novice to expert can understand it.
  • Provide accurate and truthful reviews on pool products that do not require you to read a thousand pages to find our recommendation.
  • Make pool maintenance fast and easy with the goal of teaching you how to perform the most basic tasks in 5-minutes or less.
  • Give you time back so you can actually ENJOY your pool with your family and friends!

Pool maintenance does not have to be a chore and we’ll show you how to spend just minutes every day to make your backyard pool an oasis that you will be proud of!

We hope you enjoy your stay and learn a lot in the process. Happy Swimming!
